This study delineates the differences between (1) coordinators and (2) representatives of implementation teams of good practices projects selected from a pull of KA1 and KA2 projects from the School Education sector, which ticked “reducing early school living” as a horizontal priority for their projects. The coordinators were askedd to complete online questionnaires and the implementation team representatives were interviewed face-to-face in order to get information for the study cases. Projects that selected "reducing early school leaving" as a priority pursued specific objectives focused on this issue. The emphasis was on developing positive attitudes and motivations towards learning and further studies at the student level. The projects focused on developing skills to use various innovative, motivating, and inclusive teaching strategies at the teachers' level. At the organizational level, the projects are focused on developing the organizational capacity to prevent, identify, manage and resolve situations of risk of early school leaving.
- At organization level: the development of the organizational capacity to identify the risk and the causes of early school leaving; developing the organizational capacity to implement school dropout prevention and intervention activities in these cases; increasing the prestige of the school/organization at the community level.
- At teachers' level: development of teaching skills, use of innovative teaching-learning-assessment strategies to promote inclusion and effective learning; development of teachers' capacity to promote an inclusive school climate, improving collaboration with other relevant/key actors (school counsellor, social worker, school mediator, etc.) to support students from vulnerable groups; improving communication with parents.
- At the level of wide school population: increasing the participation in extracurricular activities; increasing school attendance; reducing of dropout situations; increasing the number of students continuing their studies; improving students' results in national assessments.
- At the level of students at risk of dropping out school: developing self-esteem; developing social skills and teamwork; increasing the level of intercultural/interethnic cooperation and communication.
- At community level: motivating local public authorities to support the school and to get involved in school life.
- Promoting, at the organizations’ level, the recommendation to establish local partnerships with institutions, and research centres with competences in the field/theme of the project or the field of prevention of early school leaving to support the implementation of complex and relevant activities.
- Implementation of support mechanisms for applicant organizations (including local information/training sessions), to help them identify the specific needs of groups of students at risk of dropping out, the factors that can lead to early school leaving / of the factors that may determine the increase of school participation and the effective ways of prevention/improvement to help design the activities proposed in the Erasmus + projects.
- Promoting inclusion among the students at educational risk of some Romanian context specificities (e.g., children left alone at home, children with parents gone to work abroad).
- Drafting publications/guides with examples of good practices in the field of reducing early school leaving, developed with the support of organizations that have already carried out projects that had this priority to support future applicants to propose activities as relevant as possible for this field.
- Study on impact of Erasmus+ projects on reducing early school living.pdf 929KB / pdf Download
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