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Erasmus+ Mobility Abroad in Apprenticeship Training

Secondary vocational education

Apprenticeship training offers not only the achieving of vocational competence but also the possibility of a traineeship abroad. This study aims to take a deeper look into the reasons why although the rising number of apprentices the fraction that it represents of the overall apprentice cohort is still low. The online survey was conducted throughout Austria between January and March 2021 and was aimed at trainers and business owners in all industries and sectors.

Mobility Abroad in Apprenticeship Training
Country Austria
Publication year 2021
Topic Mobility, Professional development
396 Respondents
NA Research budget
3 countries Involved
Online survey, interviews Research


The main reason of the low number of apprenticeship trainings abroad is the lack of information. There are also some structural conditions that need to be pointed out: the young age of the apprentices, time limitations, inconsistency of the provision of support and advice, complex funding schemes, limited options for destinations.


  • Need of information about placements abroad and the funding opportunities and criteria available.
  • The promotion of existing support and funding opportunities needs to be pushed.
  • Information on the various other forms of support available, related to basic administrative practical issues like finding accommodation and placements/partner companies, arranging transport, etc.
  • Preparation of the apprentices for the stay abroad on an organisational and cultural level, etc.
  • More measures to raise the interest of companies for sending apprentices abroad.


  • More opportunities for sharing experiences via suitable formats such as dedicated platforms, events, and testimonials.
  • Increased amount of funding provided.
  • Development of national strategy involving all relevant stakeholders (both in terms of formulating objectives and fundamental strategic approaches, and in terms of implementing measures/activities in their respective spheres of action or responsibility).
  • Create a concerted public image and develop a joint campaign and corresponding activities to disseminate essential information about the support and funding options available, raise awareness of the advantages and benefits of practical traineeships abroad on a target-group-specific basis, and actively address/encourage discussion on any apprehensions/reservations.

This study generated several additional outputs:

  • A lack of information also regards the possibility to go abroad for trainers.
  • The monitoring of mobility placements abroad must be optimized, especially regarding placements without any funding.


  • Erasmus+ Mobility Abroad in Apprenticeship Training 2MB / pdf Download
  • Erasmus+ Apprentices study_Executive summary 773KB / pdf Download

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